Rediscover South Otago's cultural legacy - click here to watch our insightful video series.

Our Catchment Groups

Find out what Catchment Group you're in - CONTACT US

Join our Clutha District community to improve our ecosystem health, freshwater quality and the value of food and fibre products produced in our amazing region.

It’s amazing what a community can achieve when they come together!

Just a few of the things we do

Support our farmer led catchment groups:

On farm field days
Encourage good management practices
Riparian planting
Trialing stream erosion mitigations
Installing sediment traps and wetlands
Providing a voice for South Otago farmers

Gauging our water quality and stream health:

In stream water monitoring sites
Macroinvertebrate (MCI) assessments

Engaging our tamariki:

Local schools adopting a stream
Urban connection– bringing school classes to our place

Market research:

How can we maximise returns on our food and fibre products

Championing community well being and learning:

Bringing technical experts to South Otago to learn from Community wellbeing evenings

Encouraging innovation:

Exploring new ideas and methods for environmental management in the District


Annual Subscription will be valid from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
Annual Subscription Fee: $230 including GST (per farmer)

Subscription Benefits

Click HERE for subscription information

  • Catchment Group Meetings

  • Good Management Practices (GMP) Information

  • Field Days

  • Workshops and Presentations

  • Newsletters


Summer 2022

September 2021

How to connect with us

Check for advertorials in local papers, check out our events page HERE, or follow us on Facebook HERE

Thank you to our generous funders and supporters