Technical Projects
Otago South River Care has been busy undertaking several technical projects over the project length, our project usually fall under three categories, but there's almost always an overlap of some sort. You can find a map our project distribution by clicking on the link below.
The projects are divided into the following three categories, Wetlands and Sediment traps, Riparian Planting, Stream Reconstruction.
Wetlands and sediment traps
Projects have ranged from constructed wetland design and installation, sediment trap installation to wetland restoration. In all of these areas we're making a difference!
Riparian Planting
The bulk of our technical projects fall under this category, we aim to have undertaken 30,000m of riparian planting by the end of the project. As of end of September 2023 we're up to 27,000m.
The plant list we are primarily planting, along with plant numbers and maintenance requirements is contained in the Riparian Planting Project report on the link below.
Stream Reconstruction
Projects that fall under this category usually involve bank reconstruction, or willow removal.